
We've used the GOED Clinical Study Database to provide insight into various scientific topics. View the webinars below to learn more. 

Men's Health and Heart Health: In honor of men's health month, we focused on using the database to gain insights on the research on EPA and DHA supplementation and cardiovascular disease and other conditions in men. 

  • Passcode: q+9a28bx
  • June 23, 2022

Cognitive Health: This webinar focused on cognitive health and brain health, spelling out the different dimensions, challenges and opportunities related to the topic and their relationships to omega-3s. 

  • Passcode: SLS%Jr69
  • December 7, 2022

Inflammation: This webinar explores the topic of immune health and immunity. The role of the inflammatory response related to EPA and DHA omega-3s is explained with a brief discussion of various eicosanoids and metabolites. The Clinical Study Database is showcased using a search for immune health outcomes.  

  • Passcode: e7fr@ArX
  • July 27, 2023

Immune Health: This webinar starts by explaining immune health and immunity. The role of EPA and DHA omega-3 and immune health are explained, and various mechanisms are outlined to explain their possible effect on overall immune health. The Clinical Study Database is showcased to explain how a search for immune health outcomes could be conducted. Details from some selected studies are highlighted. 

  • Passcode: DP5h!v25
  • December 12, 2023

Illuminate the Science Webinar 5: This webinar starts by explaining women's health and the considerations across life stages. The role of EPA and DHA omega-3 and women's health are explained. The Clinical Study Database is showcased to explain how a search for women's health outcomes could be conducted. Examples from menstrual periods and menopause are described and reviewed. Pertinent research related to pregnancy, and specifically increased intake of DHA and reduced risk of early preterm and preterm birth are also shared. Details from some selected studies are highlighted. 

  • Passcode: wLM=HC2v 
  • April 11, 2024.

Watch our live demo from the CSD Launch on February 15, 2022.

Our science team has been using the GOED Clinical Study Database since its initial launch in 2021. The tools and functionalities that the database provide are very easy to learn and use. The delivered results meet our expectations and can often guide us in our daily work. In addition, the staff is keen to feedbacks and works hard to improve functionalities and user experience. I think this is a great scientific database for the industry!" July 2022.


Since launching the GOED Clinical Study Database in February 2022, we have published five reports. 

Two of these reports are provided below. The other three reports are for GOED members only. Topics include skin health (psoriasis and dermatitis) and exercise outcomes. If you are a GOED member and would like access to these reports, please reach out to csd@goedomega3.com

Clinical Study Database Report on Arteriosclerosis

We reviewed the scientific studies on EPA+DHA intake on outcomes related to Arteriosclerosis.

Request a copy

Reviewing the Science on Brain Health

Brain health covers hundreds of topics, including cognition, depression, memory, etc. We provide a high level overview of these topics with some commentary on: current outcomes, considerations, and opportunities for future research.

Request a copy

One of the most exciting things about Omega-3 research is the sheer volume of the published studies. Staying informed, given the rapid expansion of this volume of evidence, has always been a challenge. Until now! GOED's Clinical Studies Database is a phenomenal tool for me and my whole team. The database is now the first place we look. Thank you GOED for making my job easier!" March 2023

Use Cases

The Clinical Study Database is being used by GOED and our members as well as academic researchers around the globe. In our Advanced search, filters can be applied to specify your search for certain dosages and specific demographic information. 

Below are various use cases and tutorials showcasing the capabilities of this tool. 

If you are interested in doing a project with us, or interested in using this tool independently, please contact csd@goedomega3.com.

Use Case: Supporting the Preparation of a Health Claim Petition

In 2014, GOED commissioned a meta-analysis reviewing the evidence for intake of EPA and DHA omega-3s on blood pressure in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The results of this publication formed the basis for the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) 2019 ruling allowing a qualified health claim that consuming EPA and DHA intake may reduce the risk of hypertension and coronary heart disease. As part of this project, an extensive review of the literature was undertaken. Since this was before the existence of the CSD, we thought it would be interesting to show how the CSD could have been used to compile the research for the project.

As a reminder, this study showed that EPA and DHA omega-3s are as effective, if not more effective, in lowering blood pressure as some commonly recommended lifestyle changes.

Use Case: Scanning the Research on Bleeding Outcomes (Part 1)

There is a lot of controversy about the impacts of increased EPA+DHA omega-3 intake and risk of bleeding and bleeding-related events. See how we used the Abstract search to review this science more effectively.

Use Case: Reviewing and Evaluating the Research on Bleeding Outcomes (Part 2)

To review the science on EPA+DHA omega-3 intake and risk of bleeding and bleeding-related events, we looked at outcomes from interventional studies. See how we used the Advanced search to review and evaluate this science more effectively.


Tutorial: Quick Database Demo

Watch our 5 minute demo of the GOED Clinical Study Database. We will outline how you can use this tool to save you time in your work, whether you are trying to answer a marketing, science, product development, innovation, or other question about EPA+DHA omega-3s.

Tutorial: Full Database Demo

See how the tool works, and how this database can support you in answering your EPA+DHA omega-3 science questions.

Tutorial: Optimize your Abstract Search

Watch a CSD tutorial on how to enhance your Abstract Search.

Tutorial: Choosing Which Study Type to Read

For a topic like EPA+DHA Omega-3s, there are thousands of studies to date. Choosing a study type (interventional, meta-analysis, cohort) will be relevant to answering your specific question.

Tutorial: Why searching for a topic like "mood" may be difficult

Can increasing our EPA+DHA omega-3 intake affect our mood? Quite possibly! Here are some tips to enhance your searching for brain health outcomes.


The GOED Clinical Study Database is a robust tool, designed according to Cochrane Review standards. We published the methodology of this database to showcase the credibility of this tool. 

Development of a novel database to review and assess the clinical effects of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.

We published a paper in August 2022 describing the methods behind the development of the GOED Clinical Study Database. “Development of a novel database to review and assess the clinical effects of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.” Aldo A Bernasconi, Allison M Wilkin, Kaitlin Roke, Adam Ismail. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. Volume 183, 102458, ISSN 0952-3278. 2022.” 

The database can also be used to aid in the completion of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We continue to find opportunities to work with academic research groups who can use the tool for their research programs and publications. 

Below are published papers using the Clinical Study Database as part of their methodology. 

New perspectives on randomized controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acid supplements and cognition: A scoping review.

In January 2023 the GOED Clinical Study Database was used as part of the methods in a review paper.  "New perspectives on randomized controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acid supplements and cognition: A scoping review." Andriambelo B, Stiffel M, Roke K, Plourde M. Ageing Res Rev. 2023 Mar;85:101835. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2022.101835. Epub 2023 Jan 2. PMID: 36603691. 

This scoping review provides rationale and questions to a) strengthen the design of future RCTs with n-3 FA for cognitive outcomes, and b) generate more informative data to support clinicians in their practice in assessing cognition before and after a nutritional intervention.

Keeping an overview of all the publications in omega-3 research is difficult and I often get questions regarding efficacy of omega-3s in all sorts of conditions. My first choice is to screen the GOED clinical database. I know this will give me dedicated results for omega-3s so I save time sorting through non-related articles, and it sorts publications usefully into intervention trials or meta-analyses etc. In addition I can get a quick overview of whether studies were successful. The GOED CSD is a powerful tool together with Pubmed or other search engines and I would recommend its use as a good source of published data in omega-3s." October 2023


To date, we have users across the omega-3 supply chain, and within various positions in individual companies. Users include scientists, content writers, marketing specialists, product developers, and those involved in product innovation. 

We are thrilled to hear about the experiences of our database users. Thank you to those who have contributed so far. 

Want to share your experience? Contact Us »

Yunpeng Ding Director R&D, Human Nutrition, Aker Biomarine AS
Our science team has been using the GOED Clinical Study Database since its initial launch in 2021. The tools and functionalities that the database provide are very easy to learn and use. The delivered results meet our expectations and can often guide us in our daily work. In addition, the staff is keen to feedbacks and works hard to improve functionalities and user experience. I think this is a great scientific database for the industry!" July 2022.
Theresa Jahn Senior Innovation Manager, Nature's Way Canada
The GOED Clinical Study Database has been an excellent resource to assist in navigating the literature on omega-3 fatty acids. The easy to navigate dashboard and the filters have saved us a tremendous amount of time." August 2022.
Barbara Davis Nutrition and Regulatory Affairs, Nuseed Nutritional
We are using the GOED clinical study database for efficiently finding answers to our omega-3 science questions. It is an excellent go-to resource that facilitates locating data efficiently. I especially appreciate how comprehensive the database is and its ease of use.” December 2022
Jolie Root Senior Nutritionist and Educator, Carlson Laboratories
One of the most exciting things about Omega-3 research is the sheer volume of the published studies. Staying informed, given the rapid expansion of this volume of evidence, has always been a challenge. Until now! GOED's Clinical Studies Database is a phenomenal tool for me and my whole team. The database is now the first place we look. Thank you GOED for making my job easier!" March 2023
Adin Smith Nutrition Research Scientist, Nordic Naturals
Having access to the Clinical Studies Database is essential for all companies providing omega-3 products. You'll have contact with a network of GOED experts to address all your database-related questions. This team can also handle your clinical and regulatory inquiries that inevitably arise when using the database for product substantiation." September 2023
Derek Tobin Business Development and Clinical Science Manager, Epax Norway AS
Keeping an overview of all the publications in omega-3 research is difficult and I often get questions regarding efficacy of omega-3s in all sorts of conditions. My first choice is to screen the GOED clinical database. I know this will give me dedicated results for omega-3s so I save time sorting through non-related articles, and it sorts publications usefully into intervention trials or meta-analyses etc. In addition I can get a quick overview of whether studies were successful. The GOED CSD is a powerful tool together with Pubmed or other search engines and I would recommend its use as a good source of published data in omega-3s." October 2023

Did you know?

We also have reports on skin health including psoriasis and dermatitis. For more information:

Contact us